Every year as we draw into the Pagan new year Samhain, also known as Halloween, I'm often drawn to things of the paranormal. The other day, I spent some time perusing a website created by a group of Chicago based paranormal investigators called Haunted Chicago . This site is very interesting and it covers the activities of this group of investigators. There are pages of the work they've done, how they go about it, where they have investigated, and most importantly, pictures of some phenomenon they have caught on film. Check it out, it'll blow your mind provided your open to this kind of thing. Anyway, after I read about them and saw some of their pictures, I, of course, wanted to try and get some ghosty orb pictures of my own. But, then, something else struck me. I decided before I go out to my fav graveyards in the middle of the night, I'd first pull out all my old pictures and see if there were any orbs in them. This is so weird and cool. Sure enough, they're there. It's strange how I didn't notice these anomalies before but, I guess, because I didn't think to recognize them, I, therefore, didn't. Below are some examples of the ones I found. Check em out. Then, after you've read about the evidence on Haunted Chicago and looked at my own, grab all your own old photos and be prepared to freak out. It's one thing to read and see these types of things on someone else's website but when they appear in your own photos, well, then any arguments you may have been formulating on how the pictures are faked just crumbles.