March 13, 2006

A bit of this and a bit of that

The dating game continues with no lasting results just yet. Although, I've been on more dates in the last six weeks than I have in the last six years. It's clearly not a ritual I care much for. I hate all the awkwardness of getting to know someone. And, as most of us know, you can't ever really know someone entirely. Alright, I'm sure some of you disagree with that but I believe everyone has any number of things they choose not to tell anyone else, or things that they'd confide to a friend but withhold from a lover. Face it, the LTR has many more complications involved that just aren't impacted by friendships. I'm no psychologist, though I've seen my share of them, and I'm sure there are contradictions to everything I'm stating here, but this is my blog and the way I see it. Basically, I just want someone to stand out from the mix so I can focus on him and forget the others. Is that too much to ask?

In other news, I've been buying old TV series on DVD. Recently, I purchased the old 60's series The Prisoner and the early 70's series Space 1999. If anything, I've found that they both intrigue me more today than they did when I was a child. All I could really remember about The Prisoner was the "white ball" that herded up escapees. However, it was a way more political and avant-garde show for its time that explored ideas of big brother-dom, censorship, civil rights, and identity. Also, this past weekend I picked up the mid 1990's series American Gothic. This was created by Shawn Cassidy who has recently brought Surface. I remember hearing about it when it originally aired but I believe that was a period when I didn't own a TV. For those who haven't seen it or don't recall, it's set in S. Carolina (Jennie?) and basically tells a creepy good vs. evil tale. I'm simplifying hugely here and am unable to elaborate in the way it deserves. This is why I don't write reviews. Next I plan to get UFO, the first Gerry Anderson's series featuring real people. He also did the original Thunderbirds and Fireball XL5, both of which had puppets for characters.