I'm at it again. Well, the current administration is anyway. You may have heard the rumors and/or seen the evidence that the Bush administration is considering war with Iran to make them cease their nuclear ambitions no matter what they may be. I can't say that I'm surprised. Who would be after the events of the last eight years. I used to believe this administration simply enjoyed being at war and would sacrifice anything or anyone for oil. As it happens this assumption is essentially true but the reasons behind all this warmongering goes much deeper and is much more insidious than most people realize. However, whatever one believes as to the administration's motivation and whether one believes the U.S. should or should not enter yet another ambiguous war doesn't negate the reason(s) to march for peace. I don't know if others have noticed that during the twentieth century, and currently, war has become so prevalent that it is nearly a part of every day life. Unfortunately for the American public, it is also not much of a reality. It's always happening over there or somewhere else. This is unfortunate because even though the U.S. is the aggressor in many of the world's wars, they seem removed from our own existence while many parts of the world live in a constant state of chaos. It doesn't seem real to us. War is something we see on television or hear about on the radio or get glimpses of online. As is true with any reality, the people most affected are those who are directly effected. Soldiers and their families in the U.S. military and both civilians and their military wherever the war happens to be engaged are the people most effected. Is it worth it? Is it even just to expect any people to sacrifice themselves so that a government can have more power and money? Perhaps one would agree it is worth it provided they are on the "winning" side, but are there truly ever any winners in war? Is the loss of human life, on both sides, worth it? It isn't for me and that's why I actively take part in peace marches and other events that promote a peaceful existence. It's unacceptable to me that the U.S. (or any other) government would sacrifice its own people in pursuit of power and money (perhaps seen as the same). The world has become a place of divisions. We are constantly looking and striving for that which sets us apart from others.
I'm an American, you're not.
I'm white, you're not.
I'm educated, your not.
I'm rich, you're not.
I'm strong, you're weak.
I'll show you the way.
It's not about any label one can come up with that sets one apart from another. Life is about what brings us together. Many are familiar with the phrase "we are all connected" but wonder what does it really mean. Is it some New Age tag line or does it have any real world application? Obviously we are connected through the human race and this should be enough to end all wars however naive it may sound. But for those who need more, a lot more, take us down to the subatomic level and one can actually see how we are all connected. Our atoms interact with the atoms of those around us. The energy our bodies emit effects the energy fields of those around us. Our actions have reverberations that can be physically felt. If one introduces a parasite that is more virulent than its host, then the host dies. War is one such parasite and the human race is its host. The American people have been directly affected by previous wars. We are being affected by current wars. And we will one day have war on our own soil again if we do not do something to end the cycle. What can we do? It's so simple and yet so hard for people to do.
Realize that our actions affect ourselves as much as those they are directed upon.
Stop looking for ways to divide the people of the world and start seeing ways to unite us.
Each one of us has the power to change the world.
Are you ready? Let's change the world.