February 27, 2019

Spiritualism: What is Spiritualism?

Defining Spiritualism

Adopted by the National Spiritualist Association of Churches

Spiritualism is the Science, Philosophy, and Religion of continuous life, based upon the demonstrated fact of communication, by means of mediumship, with those who live in the Spirit World. (1919)

Spiritualism Is a Science because it investigates, analyzes and classifies facts and manifestations demonstrated from the spirit side of life.

Spiritualism Is a Philosophy because it studies the Laws of Nature both on the seen and unseen sides of life and bases its conclusions upon present observed facts. It accepts statements of observed facts of past ages and conclusions drawn therefrom, when sustained by reason and by results of observed facts of the present day.

Spiritualism Is a Religion because it strives to understand and to comply with the Physical, Mental and Spiritual Laws of Nature, which are the laws of God.

A Spiritualist is one who believes, as the basis of his or her religion, in the communication between this and the Spirit World by means of mediumship and who endeavors to mould his or her character and conduct in accordance with the highest teachings derived from such communication. (1914, Rev. 1938)

It’s interesting to learn that many of the founders and forerunners of Modern Spiritualism were very educated and influential people in society, such as Abraham Lincoln, Emanuel Swedenborg, Franz Mesmer, Mother Ann Lee, and Andrew Jackson Davis. Furthermore, many were originally skeptics of Spiritualism and actively sought to disprove it. However, through their research and experimentation they often discovered the truth and reality of spirit communication and the continuity of life after the change called death. Morris Pratt (whom the current institute for Spiritualism study is named for) was one such individual and being well educated he frequently argued with the ministers of his time who criticized Spiritualism and on several occasions was evicted from churches. In addition, he was sometimes fined for his controversial actions. However, Pratt was dedicated to the promotion Spiritualism and fully recognized the need for educated workers to present the religion to the intellect and people of the period.

Prior to the advent of Modern Spiritualism, “Spiritualist” practices were performed by ancient civilizations, such as the Akkadians, the Egyptians, the Persians, the Greeks, the pan-Asians, the Nordics, the Hebrews, and the early Christians. Throughout ancient civilizations one sees that many of these groups both practiced and believed in spirit communication, as well as held similar beliefs and theories of life after the change called death. Moses, who was well-versed in occult lore and educated in the Egyptian temples, is known as the strongest medium of biblical times. Additionally, the early Christians taught that the body experienced successive lives until it perfected its course, which is akin to the belief in reincarnation. The apostle Paul taught that there is both a spiritual body and a physical body. The spiritual body resides in heaven and a place is reserved for this body by the Savior God.

Perhaps the greatest forerunners to Modern Spiritualism were the Native Americans. These tribes, regardless of location or group, had a single concept of religion whereby they believed in the Great Spirit and were stewards of the land. Consequently, many mediums throughout history and today have Native Americans as spirit guides. No doubt Native Americans transition to spirit has been a relatively easy journey due to their spiritual beliefs and practices.

Two notable forerunners to Modern Spiritualism were Emanuel Swedenborg and Mother Ann Lee. Swedenborg, a highly educated man of science and letters of the late 1600s and early 1700s, had a profound spiritual experience late in life and stated in Miscellaneous Writings, “I have been called to a holy office by the Lord himself who most graciously manifested himself to me, his servant.” The Swedenborg Foundation has preserved Swedenborg's writings and teaches his philosophy today through online tutorials and Ebooks. Additionally, Mother Ann Lee, founder of the Shakers in America, also had a profound and lasting effect on the course of Modern Spiritualism. Unlike Swedenborg, Ann Lee came from a very impoverished background and had no formal education. However, like Swedenborg, she had a profound spiritual experience where she believed she embodied the second coming of Christ and soon after exhibited many spiritual and miraculous abilities. She would continue her work in America teaching the philosophy of the Shakers and the truth of spirit. After her transition to Spirit the Shakers continued under the direction of the Elders. At one point they received a message from Spirit informing them that their special gifts would be withdrawn and then poured out to the people of the world, and a new era in spirit communication and prosperity would commence. This prophecy was realized through the Hydesville “rappings” and the discovery of gold in California.