I met Kevin and Angela at Caje, which is my fav coffee joint in Carpinteria. Kevin is a barista there and Angela is his girlfriend. They're also friends of the PLT and were there for most of my time hanging with the tribe. Thankfully, I've been blessed by knowing these two special people too. Since moving to Carp, we've had some more time to hang out and enjoy one anther's company. Angela and Kevin are very giving people and also want to share the love with anyone they meet. They've also traveled the roads a little and we share a connection with Florida. They may also be heading back out on the road to meet the PLT in the near future.
We spent a day recently checking out the Santa Barbara Zoo. But, before we could get there, we drove up to Goleta to check out a fifth wheel trailer that was for sale on Craigslist for cheap. They told me the night before that it might be in pretty bad shape but I tried to remain the optimist and said, "I'm sure it's great!" It wasn't. It was really small, even for two, and the inside seemed as if a werewolf had been trapped inside during the full moon. The amount of work required to put the thing in usable shape would have been more than what the guy was asking for it. Anyway, after that episode, we decided a little food was in order and I was jonesing for some coffee. First we cruised by Trader Joe's and gathered up some PBJ with crumbly bread. We didn't mean to get crumbly bread, it was just one of those "I can't make up my mind" moments, so Angela just grabbed whatever looked good. It was latter in the car as Kevin tried making a sandwich that he found the bread to be crumbly. Then we had to hunt for decent coffee. We know they're not all made equal. Anyway, we cruised up to State Street and parked near a Starbucks. Actually, I'm not all that keen on Starbucks anymore but it'll do in a pinch. So I got my caff fix and we hung out on the side of the road feasting on PBJ and caffeine. Eventually we really made our way to the zoo. Below are some pix from the adventure.