Ever have one of those days when you just don't have the energy to do anything? I'm sure you have. We all encounter those days every once in awhile. I had one of those days yesterday. I knew something wasn't quite right when I awoke from a very deep sleep at 12:30 in the afternoon. I rarely (almost never! but I guess that's what rarely means) sleep that late unless my body really needs it. So I completely gave in and gave myself a mental health day or, maybe, it was more of a day of unconsciousness. I spent most of the day in and out of wakefulness and experiencing a strange mix of dreams and present reality. It was similar to that state when you are just coming out of a dream but aren't quite awake and it's as if both realities almost merge. My whole day was like that yesterday. Sometimes it seems as if my whole life is somewhere between dream and wakeful consciousness. While there's probably a scientific name for this state, we should come up with a layman's term. Please email me with any ideas and I'll post them here.
1. Between Time