March 7, 2018


The life of Emanuel Swedenborg (1688–1772) was steeped simultaneously in the rational world of the physical sciences and a deep Christian faith. He lived during the height of the Enlightenment, a period when intellectuals rejected dogmatic religious teachings in favor of science and reason, and his theology reflects a long struggle to understand the world of spirit through investigation of the physical world. Ultimately, that struggle was resolved when (as he described it) his spiritual senses were opened and he began to interact directly with the denizens of heaven, hell, and the world of spirits between. Swedenborg defines “angel” and “spirit” in the following way:

Immediately after death we come into a world of spirits that is halfway between heaven and hell. There we work through our stretches of time, or our states, and are prepared either for heaven or for hell, depending on the way we have lived. As long as we stay in this world, we are called “spirits.” Anyone who has been brought up from this world into heaven is called an angel, and anyone who has been cast into hell is called a satan or a devil. As long as we are in the world of spirits, people who are being readied for heaven are called angelic spirits, and people who are being readied for hell are called hellish spirits. All the while, angelic spirits are united to heaven and hellish spirits to hell. —Divine Love and Wisdom 140

In his writings, Swedenborg often describes things he has seen in heaven, including conversations he has had with angels there. While some traditions see angels as a supernatural class of beings, Swedenborg declares that every angel was once a human being living on earth:

On the grounds of all my experience, which has lasted for several years now, I can say with full confidence that in their form, angels are completely human. They have faces, eyes, ears, chests, arms, hands, and feet. They see each other, hear each other, and talk to each other. In short, they lack nothing that belongs to humans except that they are not clothed with a material body. —Heaven and Hell 75

All people on earth have the potential to become angels, regardless of where they are from or what religion they practice. Swedenborg emphasizes that we are all born for heaven; if we don’t end up there, it is because of the choices that we make in life. However, he points out that it isn’t as described in evangelical traditions where heaven and hell are forever. While one doesn’t usually move from the angelic realms to the hellish, spirits often move from the hellish to the angelic as that is where we are meant to be.

When people shed their physical bodies and enter the spiritual world, at first they look much the same as they did on earth. Over time, however, their inner selves are revealed, and it changes the way they appear to others. Angels become more and more beautiful the closer they get to the Lord. “I have seen faces of angels of the third heaven so beautiful that no painters, with all their skill, could render a fraction of their light with their pigments or rival a thousandth part of the light and life that show in their faces” —Heaven and Hell 459

Angels do not have halos or wings, and Swedenborg says that the clothes they wear change according to their state of being, sometimes without the angels themselves being aware their clothes have changed. Angels of the highest heavens might appear to be dressed in radiant light because bright light corresponds to wisdom. Similarly, when the Bible speaks of people being “clothed in righteousness” (Isaiah 61:10), it is not referring to literal clothing, but rather to people who love truth and live according to it. The garments of angels, then, while they appear to be real, are, in actuality, correspondences* of their spiritual states.

Angels all look youthful. This is because “people in heaven are continually progressing toward the springtime of life.” Swedenborg adds, “The more thousands of years they live, the more pleasant and happy is their springtime.” This, too, is in direct correspondence to their continually deepening spiritual states. “This continues forever, increasing according to the growth and level of their love, thoughtfulness, and faith” —Heaven and Hell 414

Contrary to the popular image of lazy angels floating around on soft, white clouds and strumming harps, Swedenborg tells us that angels live busy lives that may not seem that different from ours. They live in houses with all the usual sorts of rooms, and their communities are organized very much like towns and cities, with streets and parks and other central buildings.

Communities in heaven are distinguished by the type of service they provide; for example, some communities may be dedicated to raising children who have crossed over, while other communities may be focused on serving people who are being awakened from death. Swedenborg says that angelic tasks are so numerous, and so diverse, that it would be impossible to list them all. In general, however, angels perform the specific service for which they are best suited, and this work is one of their greatest joys.

While angels love the work that they do, they are not doing it for their own sake—they are doing it out of a love of being useful and serving others. The Lord works through angels, and this is true to such an extent that Swedenborg tells us angels won’t take credit for any of the good that they do. Everything comes from the Lord.

Swedenborg tells us that because we are all born for heaven, and because children have not yet had the chance to make life choices that might have distanced them from God, all children who leave this world are immediately taken up to heaven and become angels.

When children first arrive in heaven, they look just as they did on earth—babies are still babies, children still appear to be the same age they were when they crossed over. They are raised by angels who particularly love children, and who enjoy teaching them spiritual truths. Gradually these children grow to adulthood and are welcomed into angelic communities that perfectly correspond to the innate gifts, talents, and capacities of the children.

Later on, when family members crossover, they and the children of those families are reunited, though if they have different natures they will ultimately end up living in different spiritual communities. This, however, is not a sadness but a joy—for all must eventually find that place where they are most at home and where their innate gifts can find fullest expression.

Lorna Byrne teaches and believes that everyone has a guardian angel regardless of religion, faith or no faith at all. Lorna Byrne is an Irish author and peace ambassador. She is best known for her bestselling memoir, Angels in My Hair (2008). Byrne was born in Dublin, and grew up in poverty in the Dublin suburbs of Kilmainham and Ballymun. She relates that she has seen angels since she was a baby. "I see angels physically and I have done so since I was a baby. I know this is hard to believe, and I know that there are some people who will never believe me, regardless of what I say or do. I have no idea why I see angels and others don’t; I am just an ordinary woman. When I have asked the angels around me about this, their reply has simply been “Why not you?”

"It is a gift from God and it never leaves you for one moment, from before your birth to after your death."

"I see guardian angels as a light about three steps behind each person. Sometimes, a guardian angel will open this light up for me and will show me a very beautiful, perfect human appearance."

"Although angels are neither male nor female, they will sometimes take on the appearance of a man or a woman. Sometimes, the guardian angels I am shown have wings, sometimes they don’t."

"Your guardian angel loves you and you are precious to them – you are the most important person in the world to them and, they have to do everything they can for you."

"Suddenly you feel you should call someone, or walking through the park you suddenly feel you should smile at a stranger, or engage them in conversation. It may seem a small or a rather silly thing to us but it may be that, for this person, it is a sign of hope, a message from their angel. As trivial as it may seem to you, it may be very important to them."

"Children, of course, are naturals at this. Angels communicate much more easily with children and a child will have no hesitation in going up to a complete stranger and saying something, or picking a flower and giving it to them."

"As adults, we have to be aware that when a thought comes into our head to do something for someone, even a stranger, we need to just go and do it. We are the angels’ messengers and at times it can be hard for the angels to deliver messages or give signs, as so often we are reluctant to pass them on."

"Sometimes, the sign you are asked to give could save someone’s life. They may be very down and desperate, and you are asked to do a little thing, but what may seem a little thing to you could mean so much to someone else."

"Remember strangers give you messages from your angels too. Sometimes, someone – it could be a shop assistant, a bus driver, a neighbour’s child – says something to you, and you react deeply. It might feel like a sign of encouragement or hope, or like something that someone you love, who is not around, would have said. Listen. Don’t doubt your feelings. Don’t dismiss these precious moments and fail to acknowledge them."

The phenomena of 'Number Sequences', sometimes known as 'Angel Numbers' is becoming more and more prevalent day by day. Thousands upon thousands of people from all walks of life, from all parts of the world, and from every creed and religion, are reporting the phenomenon of noticing particular number sequences on clocks, timers, car number plates, billboards, and from all kinds of sources. According to respected authors, therapists and spiritualists around the world, this phenomenon is occurring as a new spiritual awareness taking place and gaining momentum on our planet. As a race, people are evolving on a spiritual level, with the number sequences being 'messages' from a higher source. Your angels (and/or spirit guides) guide you through your thoughts, feelings, words and visions. They also show you ‘signs’ - that is, things that you see repeatedly with your physical eyes. One of the signs is repetitive number sequences. Angels and those of the spiritual realm do their best to get our attention and to communicate with us. In this way, they help us heal our own lives. However, we often discount the signs that they give us, writing them off as mere coincidences or our imagination.

Angels communicate messages of numbers in two ways. First, they subtly whisper in your ear so that you will look up in time to notice the time displayed on the clock, or the phone number on an advertisement or something similar. The angels hope that you will be aware and acknowledge that you are seeing this same sequence of numbers, over and over. The second way in which the angels show you meaningful number sequences' is by physically arranging for something like a car driving in front of you that has specific number plates, and hope that you realize that you are seeing the number sequence again. They want you to notice, then look into the messages further.

When you notice a particular number sequence recurring for you, ask the angels what they are trying to tell you, and you will find that your angels will give you additional information. Monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don't want.

Pythagoras said that everything in the Universe is mathematically precise, and that each number has its own vibration and meaning. The placement of the numbers in a sequence holds special meaning. Numerology is a sacred science that has maintained its relevance from ancient to modern times. Numbers point out the importance of seeing ‘messages’ three-dimensionally, in order to show us the lessons, growth opportunities and guidance contained with each experience.

As you recognize and interpret the numbers around you, you may feel more connected to the angels. This connection allows the angels to open the door to an incredible connection that brings peace, hope and love. Number sequence interpretation is an easy way to receive messages from your angels. Numerals are everywhere. Each number has a vibrational frequency relating directly to its meaning. The angels always seek to give us guidance and answers. When they call our attention to number sequences, it is a positive sign of their devotion, love and power. When you notice a number sequence, listen to your angel’s guidance that comes through your feelings, visions and thoughts. The more you notice these signs, the more frequently they will appear in your life. Once you understand the ‘signs’ meanings and accept that they are not mere ‘coincidences’, but important and purposeful events and messages, you will experience a close and clear communication with your angels. You will discover spiritual signs and messages all around you, all the time. You may also notice number sequences that signify things of personal significance, such as birth dates, anniversaries, telephone numbers etc. In these cases the angels are giving you an even deeper, pertinent and personal message.

The recurrence of number sequences is a subtle and constant reminder that something magical … something Divine is happening. When you see the number sequences, acknowledge that the angels are telling you that you are on your true path, and say ‘Thank You’ to them for communicating with you. The main thing about seeing and acknowledging the repeating number sequences, or Angel Numbers, is the fact that you are consciously seeing them. At this time, your angels are communicating directly with you. The messages are for you and they are about you and your life. It is up to us to take the time to go within, listen to our intuition and true self, and figure out what the messages are telling us and what they mean to us. Your highest guidance is unique for you and you have all of your own answers within you.

The placement of the numbers within a sequence holds its own relevance and meaning. When there are more than three digits in a sequence, the middle number (or numbers) is the primary focus as this represents the crux of the message and meaning. When there are multiple digits in the repeating number sequences, after looking into the message and meaning of the centre numbers, look at the number sequence as a whole. Each individual number can be looked at independently, then the digits added together until reduced to a single digit. For example a repeating number sequence of 376 can be looked at a few different ways. The number 7 is to be looked at and deciphered first. Then each individual number – 3, 7 and 6 is to be looked at individually. The entirety of the number 376 can then be added and reduced to a single digit - 3 + 7 + 6 = 16 (1 + 6 = 7). This makes the number 7 the most relevant message and meaning of this repeating number sequence. Use your intuition and inner-knowing to decipher your personal message. Your soul will resonate with the appropriate message. When you are seeing the numbers (no matter what they are), you are being directly communicated with. It doesn’t really matter that you don’t understand the message in a human sense, because your subconscious mind is hearing, understanding and knowing all for you. Even when you are reading the messages on this site, your guides and angels are communicating with you on another level, so let go of the need to understand on a human, conscious level.

An Angel Number I regularly see is 420. Contrary to contemporary usage, it does not refer to marijuana in any way, nor is it a suggestion to use that medicinal plant, though I have done so for various purposes which I will write about at another time.

Number 420 is a blend of the energies and attributes of number 4, number 2 and number 0. Number 4 brings the vibrations of practical thinking, security and building solid foundations for ourselves and others, inner-wisdom and patience, application and productivity. 4 also relates to our passions and what motivates and drives us in our lives, as well as the Archangels. Number 2 carries the qualities of partnerships and relationships, duality, service and duty to others, balance and harmony, adaptability, diplomacy and co-operation, consideration and receptivity. 2 also relates to serving your Divine life purpose and soul mission. 0 represents potential and/or choice, a spiritual journey, developing your spiritual aspects, listening to your intuition and higher-self, eternity and infinity, oneness and wholeness, continuing cycles and flow, and the beginning point. 0 also relates to the God force/Universal Energies/Source, and magnifies the influences of the numbers it appears with. 420 is a message that you have opening your heart to wonderful possibilities and opportunities to do with your soul mission. You have a strong and clear connection with the angelic and spiritual realms and are receiving Divine guidance through your intuition, dreams and recurring thoughts. 420 is a reminder to maintain faith and trust in the angels and the Universal Energies. Your life purpose is an important one and you are prompted to put your efforts towards living and serving it to the full. Trust that you are safe, protected and surrounded by the angels. 420 also encourages you to pursue your ideal career and/or profession. If you are intuitively prompted to begin or expand a spiritually-based career, practice or profession or heart-centered service, the angels will assist with establishing the foundations that will lead to your desired results and ultimate success. Working to serve others will manifest all that you want and need in your life. ~ Joanne Walmsley, Sacred Scribes, Australia


Further reading on Emanuel Swedenborg, spiritual correspondences*, and the Swedenborg Foundation, click here.

For Biblical references to angels click here.

For further information on Angel Numbers, click here.