March 3, 2018

Spiritual Biodiversitist

Recently I started calling myself a Spiritual Biodiversitist. My computer's spell check tells me that there's no such word (yet) as biodiversitist, but that's never stopped me from using made up words anyway. As with anything in my life, which is in a constant state of flux and transformation, I'm always reinventing who I believe myself to be and how I present myself to the world at large. I've never been one of those people who is the same person today that I was as a child or even as I was last year. I suppose there are a lot of variables for why this is true. I tend to have many varying interests and those interests will change, or one may grow while another that was forefront may recede for a time. If I could be viewed at the subatomic level, I would probably resemble a pulsating star 🌟, or perhaps a solar system of energetic particles swirling around an unstable nucleus whose gravitational pull strengthens and weakens causing my particles to follow a somewhat erratic, elliptical orbit. If you believe in star signs or the zodiac, I'm a Libra ⚖️, who are described as being full of curiosity and open-mindedness, which is extremely common within the Libra personality and we are always on the hunt to discover new ideas, which is so true of me. As I reflect back on my childhood, I was raised in a very conservative home. My parents are the same today as they have always been. They have the same values, beliefs, politics, and desires as they did when I was a child. They are constant in every way and I always know exactly where I stand, which is almost always in contention with them, which is another story for another post. I don't know exactly or entirely why I became the person I am today, but I thank my lucky stars I did. My constant curiosity about everything has kept me younger than my peers both intellectually and physically. Seriously! Whenever I meet people in my peer group, there is often an element of surprise because people often mistake me for someone younger, and most mornings before I've looked in the mirror, I also mistake myself for someone younger too. So in claiming myself as a Spiritual Biodiversitist (you thought I'd forgotten what I was talking about here 😉), I'm laying claim to a world/universe, or existence, that is bigger in every way than what is seen or even currently known. Mankind is always making new discoveries and having to redress previous known suppositions as new evidence presents itself. I take this philosophy as a given and relish in it. I believe the universe, which for me includes everything on every level in every way, both known and unknown, like myself, is in a constant state of change and growth. It's always expanding. It's infinite. There's no end and there was no beginning. Remember, I'm not just referring to outer space, but all dimensions. In my philosophy, there's is a spiritual dimension, or aspect, that has nothing to do with religion but everything to do with truth. Everything we know and understand as human beings stems from this truth, but our understanding as human beings is finite. I believe we must transcend the human experience in order to experience and grasp universal truth. Additionally, as a human being on planet Earth 🌎 (and, yes, I believe there are human beings on other planets too), I deeply believe in the idea of biodiversity, which is described as the variability among living organisms from all sources, including terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part, including diversity within species, between species, and of ecosystems. Biodiversity taught me that everything and everyone is connected long before those in spiritual circles began stating this truth. And, as the physical world is a reflection of the spiritual, the idea of biodiversity expands to include all dimensions. Do you see how this is coming together? Spiritual biodiversity is the marriage of all that is and a reflection of the truth. Therefore, calling myself a Spiritual Biodiversitist, which I typically capitalize as it's my title, is my way of claiming a heritage to truth.